Haus Private Event Inquiry
We are so excited to host your next event at WineHaus! Please fill out the form below to provide us with more information about your event. Once completed, we will reach out within 2 business days to confirm your reservation details and provide a quote for pricing. Cheers!
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Our Garden Patio
Upstairs at the Haus
A Lounge in our Main Bar
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Desired Event Date *
Number of Guests *
Which Haus Event Space? *
Event Start Time *
The event space will be yours for four hours (including setup and breakdown). If you wish to book a longer event duration, we can adjust pricing accordingly.
Event Occasion  *
Seated or Standing? *
I understand that to reserve the event space, a non-refundable deposit based on party size and quote will be required to hold desired date and space. *
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