Postharvest Resource Survey
We are seeking input regarding a research and education project with the goal of consolidating postharvest information in a single set of resources.

Our proposed project aims to consolidate existing knowledge, best practices and new developments in postharvest equipment, infrastructure, and buildings into a web-based handbook, workshop curriculum / educational materials and recorded videos.

Please answer the following questions to let us know what information related to wash and pack sheds, postharvest equipment and storage would be valuable to you.  This survey is voluntary and anonymous. Summarized and anonymized results will be included in a grant project proposal and also on our website (

Thanks for your help.
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What is the primary state you farm in?
How would you describe your farm? (size, crops, markets)
Please rate the IMPORTANCE of information and knowledge regarding post-harvest handling, washing, and storage systems and practices to your farm (1=Not important, 5=Extremely important).
Not Important
Extremely Important
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Please rate the AVAILABILITY of information and knowledge about post-harvest handling, washing and storage systems and practices (1=Not available, 5=Extremely easy to find)
Not available
Extremely easy to find
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What topics would you like to have more information and knowledge about?
What sources do you use for information about these topics?
Do you have any other feedback or ideas for us?
Thank you, and happy farming!
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