Application For The New York Young Republican Club's Fundraising Committee Chairman
If you are interested in serving as the Chairman of the Club's Fundraising Committee, please fill out the form below. If we accept your initial application we will follow up with a request for a video meeting.
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Email *
Full Name: *
Are you a Club member? *
If you have experience in non-profits, charitable organizations, philanthropic fundraising, banking, accounting, finance, or other related fields please detail below: *
Can you commit to checking Telegram chats at least once per day for communications about the role? *
Are you available to check your email 5-6 times per week? *
Are you a registered Republican? *
What was the last Club event you attended? *
How long have you been attending Club events? *
Have you had any experience in Republican or conservative grassroots activism, including other clubs or student groups? *
Please link to your social media: *
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