Saturday March 22nd 9:30am - Wednesday March 26th 5pm, 2025
Enjoyed your first Conscious Communication retreat, and ready for more? Come join us for this 5-day Level 2 retreat - the first ever! We're going to dive deeper into Pause-Feel-Think-Act: slowing way down, going deeper into our reaction patterns and different kinds of triggers, our limiting beliefs and shadows, and finding ways to grieve, heal and grow. In the 'Think' category we'll go deeper into polarities like the 2 hands, and how we can think in more integral ways as well as understand systems. Finally, we'll have lots of practice in taking conscious actions in our lives, including the full range of empathy languages and also how to challenge others with care. We'll get more experience transforming judgments and conflicts into gold ('alchemy'). We'll also have lots of practice building up our connection tank together — and for that we'll have a lot of fun in the process!
Who is this for?
This immersion is for anyone who has completed a Conscious Communication Level 1 retreat of minimum 4 days. If you feel like you need a refresher before attending this Level 2, mention in the form below.
What if I haven't completed a Level 1 retreat?
This retreat is meant for those who have a basic framework of Conscious Communication. If you are keen on attending this retreat, fill out the form below and we'll keep you informed of Level 1 retreats including the possibility of an online workshop prior to this Level 2. The next Level 1 retreat is happening in January 2025 (see
Language for the retreat will be in English, however you are welcome to speak in your own language during activities and exercises. (Hoping this can be offered in more languages eventually!)
Venue, Accommodation and Food
This Level 2 will be held at the beautiful Bodhigram near Dehradun, India. We will have double rooms with attached washrooms for all participants. Homely vegetarian food will be served. See Google maps location here.
In order to make this retreat accessible to people from a range of backgrounds, we are only charging for food and stay at Bodhigram, which comes to Rs 7,945 for 5 days. After registering, payment information will be shared to contribute directly to Bodhigram. At the end of the retreat there will be a donation box if you would like to support the facilitator and help this work grow (according to your capacity).
Tentative Schedule:
8:30am - 9:30am Breakfast
10:00am - 11:30am Session 1
11:30am - 12:00pm Tea break
12:00pm - 1:30pm Session 2
1:30pm - 4:00pm Lunch Break, Outdoor activities, Self-Care
4:00pm - 4:30pm Tea break
4:30pm - 7:30pm Session 3 (with breaks)
7:30pm - 8:30pm dinner
8:30pm - 9:30pm Night Session
9:30pm onwards optional participant-led sessions.
Please register using the form below. Upon approval you will be sent to the payment page to confirm your spot.
For any questions or for more information, please send a mail to us at and we will get back to you promptly.