Tech Support Request
For clients who have already accessed support through our Tech Support Program, please submit tech support requests through this form. This way, we can match you with a volunteer. Please note that if you are comfortable and able, we recommend using Zoom as the volunteer is then able to physically see the device, as well as show you on their screen. However, this is entirely optional.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Email address *
If possible and applicable, please indicate the brand of the device you are seeking support for (for example Apple/Mac Computer, iPhone, Dell Laptop, Samsung Phone, etc) *
What do you need help with/what would you like to learn? (1 issue only per session) *
Would you prefer to use Zoom or a phone call for this session? *
Are there specific days/times when you are not available over the next two weeks? *
Your feedback is helpful in evaluating and improving the Tech Support Program. After you receive support, how would you prefer for us to contact you? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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