JFREJ Payment Questionnaire
JFREJ pays contract workers on a sliding scale.

The scale is meant to reflect our values of racial and economic justice, and result in the people who have experienced the most financial hardship at the hands of racialized capitalism being resourced more fully. It also supports the practical reality that we don’t have unlimited funds.

You decide where you land on the scale.

We encourage you to reflect deeply on your current, past and generational experience of class and money. This is not a comfortable process, and can be very confusing. People in the US aren’t encouraged to think or talk about class, and we haven’t had a regular process in our organization of having these conversations. For people who have experienced financial privilege, it can bring up feelings of guilt and defensiveness. For people who have experienced a lack of financial resources and stereotypes or judgments from others about it, it can bring up the pain of those experiences. None of us invented capitalism, and we can’t help what we were born into. What’s important is how we work to change the system now. This policy and questionnaire are part of how we disrupt the system.

If you need support thinking through these questions, please reach out to your JFREJ staff contact person for the contract.
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Name *
Phone *
Email *
Staff Contact Person (who asked you to fill out this form) *
What was your financial situation like growing up (under 12 years old) in terms of basic needs like food, housing, transportation, and clothing? *
I experienced scarcity in basic needs
I generally had basic needs met
I experienced abundance in basic needs
Choose one
What level of financial assets did your family have when you were growing up (e.g. savings accounts, home ownership, investments, business ownership, real estate)? *
Very few financial assets
Some financial assets
Many financial assets
Choose one
What is your current financial situation like in terms of basic needs like food, housing, transportation, and clothing? *
I experience scarcity in basic needs
I generally can meet my basic needs
I experience abundance in basic needs
Choose one
What is your current household income compared to the median household income of $57,782 in NYC? *
Lower than the median income
Within $10,000 of the median income
Higher than the median income
Choose one
How stable or predictable is your income? *
Very unpredictable or unstable
Mostly predictable and stable
Very predictable and stable
Choose one
What impact have government policies that have produced the racial wealth gap (e.g. tax cuts for the wealthy, redlining, the GI bill, immigration quotas, slavery) had on your family? *
My family has been harmed
Some harm and some benefit
My family has benefitted
Choose one
For more information, you can check out this resource:
United for a Fair Economy has this resource on policies that have contributed to and blocked building wealth:

The Green Bottle Sliding Scale is another resource for evaluating your financial status:

It is not required for you to review these resources, but they are provided in case helpful.
Do any of these factors negatively impact your current financial situation?
Can you afford to do the work in question pro bono? (This is a different question than whether you are willing to in this moment.) *
Sliding Scale for Payment
Based on your answers to this questionnaire, where would you place yourself on JFREJ's Sliding Scale for Payment? *
High payment
Medium payment
Base payment
No payment
Choose one
Are there any other factors that are impacting your payment decision that you'd like the staff to know about?
We are currently piloting this payment system and plan to re-evaluate in December 2021. Do you have any feedback about this form or process?
Special thanks to Hadassah Damien of Ride Free Fearless Money, United for a Fair Economy, the Giving Project Network, and Alexis J. Cunningfolk for concepts and language in this questionnaire.
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