2024 Faiths For Climate Justice Partner Sign-On
Thanks for signing up to be a partner on Faiths For Climate Justice 2024, which will take place from 3-12 May. Being a partner means helping to promote, and/or leading actions on the ground. It also means co-sponsoring our global launch call which will happen on 30 January. For partnership questions, email the appropriate person below. 
  • Tanzania: Baraka@greenfaith.org
  • Uganda: Maxwell@greenfaith.org
  • Ghana: Gifty@greenfaith.org
  • Kenya or anywhere else in Africa: Meryne@greenfaith.org
  • France: Martin@greenfaith.org
  • Germany: Michelle@greenfaith.org
  • Indonesia: Hening@greenfaith.org
  • Japan: Yoshi@greenfaith.org
  • Brazil: Julia@greenfaith.org
  • North America or anywhere else: Sara@greenfaith.org
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First Name/Given Name
Surname/Family Name
Organization (as you'd like it listed on the website)
Country (Write "International" if applicable) *
Are you authorized to sign your organization on as a partner?  *
How would you like to contribute to Faiths For Climate Justice? (check all that apply)
Anything else you'd like to tell us? 
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