The FAIR Island project examines the impact of implementing optimal research data management policies and requirements, affording us the unique opportunity to look at the outcomes of strong data policies at a working field station. (We are using the new research station on the atoll of Tetiaroa (French Polynesia) and its international research community as an initial use case). This offers a real-world example to prove the capabilities of machine-actionable data management plans (maDMPs) and to analyze the downstream effects of these policies in the resulting release of data. Our goal is to translate the broader FAIR principles into a set of specific requirements and implementable activities that demonstrate how good data management practices and policies accelerate research for the benefit of all stakeholders.
We are seeking your feedback on the key components of a FAIR data policy and the corresponding tools required to support such a policy.
We see this as an opportunity for our communities to put our ideas and perspectives on exemplar Open Science policies into action...and then quickly test their effectiveness. We’ll be assembling responses until April 30.
Please direct any questions, comments, or advice to