Support member Lund Cheer
Hello! How wonderful that you're considering becoming a support member. 

The purpose of the support membership is to give some extra aid to the association through donations. The extra support enables Lund Cheer to have practices and go to competitions! 

The different memberships:
  1. External support member
    Anyone who wants to support the association, for example a parent or partner.
    • 750 kr – External Support Member with the right to be invited to proms
    • 2000 kr – External Family & Friends Membership. Invite to proms for up to five people.
  2. Support member active in a committee - 50 kr
    Someone who for one year is a member of one of the association’s committees.
  3. Alumni member - 50 kr
    A person who has previously been an active member of the association for any amount of years, or as a member of a committee for one year.
  4. Particularly notable alumni member - 50 kr
    A person who has previously been a member of the board, or has been a member of any of the association’s committees for two years.
The Statues, in both Swedish and English, can be found on our website under the page ''about us''
If this feels compelling please fill out the form down below and we will send you a receipt

Donate the membership fee to Bankgiro: 5677-1462
Mark the payment with Your Name+Support Member

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First and Last name *
Type of membership *
Email address *
I hereby confirm that I have transferred the money to the BG account mentioned in the description above *
I understand that my personal information will be uploaded to our member register and handled according to GDPR. *
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