Getting Started with Sustainability in Schools
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Welcome to the Getting Started Resources Portal Submission Form
How to add a resource to the Getting Started Resources Portal
The 'Getting Started with Sustainability in Schools' website is an online portal for classroom-ready, curriculum-linked sustainability education resources.

If you have a resource which you think would benefit other educators, please complete and submit this form and your resource will then be reviewed.

Use this form to submit one (1) resource targeted to a Year level and Sustainability Organising Idea and most relevant curriculum code. For resources which you want to make available for multiple year levels, It is convenient to open and complete several forms at once using copy and paste.

When considering your online resource, make sure it is targeted as specifically as possible - this will enable it to be easily found by teachers when they are searching for resources in the Portal.

You can view the Resources Portal and search criteria at Please complete all of the below questions. If you have any queries, please contact the website manager via
What is the name of your resource? *
Where on the web is the resource located?
Please provide the website URL for the resource. If you are providing your own resource or one that is not currently published online, please write "submitted via email" in the answer line below then attach your resource in PDF form to an email and send to the Web Manager email provided above. Please acknowledge in your email that you have the authority to distribute this resource via the website Without a website link or PDF, your resource will not be added to the Resource Portal.
Who is the resource provider?
Your name and/or your organisation. If your organisation is a school, please give the school name as well as your state or territory
Who is the resource contact?
If you have not already done so, please provide one or more names and contact emails in case we need to reach you
What is the target year level for your resource?
Because portal resources are curated to strongly support the Australian Curriculum please use a separate form submission for each year level.
Select the most relevant target subject area for your resource *
Select one or more of the most relevant topics in your resource. *
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