The Case of the NDG Graffiti Vandal
Welcome to the third in this series of interactive games for NDG kids!
This one was written by my daughter Alison, age 7, and I. We hope you have as much fun playing it as we had writing it.

If you missed the first two games and want to play them, you can find the links at my website:

The purpose of these games is to give NDG kids (suggested ages 6-10) the opportunity to have some fun and get some exercise outdoors with their grown-ups while social distancing.

You play the game by reading the story and physically going to the places mentioned in it, solving the clues in the story based on what you see when you get to the right locations. This story is about a smart and tough kid (that's you!) who has to help the police catch a vandal who puts mean graffiti messages around the neighbourhood.

Your starting point is the Southwest corner of rue de Terrebonne and avenue Benny. Your ending point is 1.4 kilometres (roughly 1 mile) to the Southeast.

The best way to get from location to location is by walking or using a scooter. Biking is possible but a little tricker.

Enjoy! And good luck stopping the Graffiti Vandal!

- Sarah Lolley and Alison, the authors
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