Bat Record Submission
This form sends information regarding bats and roosts within our area to the Records Officer.  Please complete as much information as possible, but if you have very little information this should still be submitted!  (The Records Officer can make use of information however brief.)
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This is the date of record, not of this submission.
Grid Reference of sighting
There is a Google map available on this page to discover this, the link opens in a new window so you can return to this form after looking up the location.
Address (if known) especially if a roost record
This should only be entered with the consent of the property owner. The grid reference should be given or a Road name in the vicinity in all other cases.
Bat species
As much information as possible or as little as you have! For example:-  'Bat, definitely a Pipistrelle but not sure which type' or 'Bat, seen flying high and fast, probably a Noctule?' is fine. Ideally nice and concise though 'C.Pip' or 'Greater Mouse-eared !'
Number of bats seen at a single time
If you have numerous bat passes enter '1', if you see (or hear?) two bats at the same time, enter '2' and so on.  For roost emergence obviously record as many as seen exiting the roost.
Type of record
Please enter description such as 'sighting', 'with detector', 'roost emergence' for example and your experience with bats, such as 'professional' or 'novice'.
Name of recorder *
Recorder name
Your email address *
In case we need to contact you to confirm details
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