5th & 6th Grade Fall 2024 Volleyball League
WHO: 5th or 6th Grade Girls - must be from the same school. SEPARATE LEAGUES per grade:
*ONE 5th Grade League
*ONE 6th Grade League
***Accepting 8 teams per grade.

WHEN: SUNDAYS (September 8, September 15 & September 22, 2024)

GAME TIMES: Over the course of an hour and a half, 4 teams will be scheduled to play each other one time for a total of 3 games each Sunday. 15:00 games.

An example of a Sunday schedule would look like this:
  • 12:00 - 1:30pm - 4 teams - 5TH GRADE
  • 1:45 - 3:15pm - 4 teams - 5TH GRADE
  • 3:30pm - 4:45pm - 4 teams - 6TH GRADE
  • 5:00pm - 6:30pm - 4 teams - 6TH GRADE
    *Times may change slightly depending on registered teams.
COST: $100 per team
- Venmo (@TheEdge2021), Cash or Check (payable to The Edge Sports Complex) is accepted prior to first games.

  • Girls must all be from the same school.
  • Both grades will play on a 7 foot net.
  • Volleylites will be used.
  • Serving line will be moved in 6 feet.
  • Serving limit – 6 consecutive serves.
  • If the first serve is missed, a second attempt will be granted. If the second serve is missed, the coach will toss the ball over the net to the opposing team. Regardless of the outcome of the play, the receiving team will get the point and the serve.
  • Games will start every 15:00 minutes. Little to no warmup on the court so please have your team ready to go.
  • One scoreboard operator provided between the 2 teams.
  • There will be no line judges or officials. Coaches will make the calls.

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