Cognitive Robotics TC Endorsement/Support Request Form
If you want to request an endorsement letter or a financial support to the TC of Cognitive Robotics, please complete the form below, specifying which kind of support you are requesting. No requests will be considered too close to the deadline of the conference submission. Since the funding of the TC is limited, a selection will be made.
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Title of your workshop *
Contact organizer (Last name, Firstname) *
Contact organizer's email address *
Venue of the workshop, e.g., conference XYZ *
Short description about the workshop and how it is related to Cognitive Robotics *
URL of the workshop website (Must include a list of all co-organizers and invited speakers with their affiliation). It the workshop website is not yet available, please insert a link to the full proposal.
URL for additional information 
URL for a financial support request letter - please detail for what you need the financial support and a tentative estimate of the amount requested.
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