Gratitude in Action 2023 - 2024
Thank you for being a part of our Gratitude in Action initiative for 2023-2024. It's all too easy for people to forget to acknowledge themselves and the valuable work they do. Your presence and your nominations are helping to shift that perspective, and we genuinely appreciate your participation. Please take a moment to fill out the information below. If you'd like us to share your appreciation with the person you're nominating, kindly include your name and email.

Our website: Celebrate School Staff - HERE

Agenda of Mixers:
  • Welcome
  • Thank you Remarks - Invited Speakers
  • Gratitude Mediation, Melissa Mueller-Douglas, LMSW of Chocolate Mindfulness
  • Peer-to-peer connections 

Day and Time: Virtual Mixers are usually on Wednesday at 6 pm EST

Sponsoring organizations
  • Hidden Gems Archery - NYC Mobile archery program for schools 
  • We Intervene - Providing schools with online tools & virtual assistants to connect families to resources and opportunities 24/7
  • Hidden Gems Solutions - EdTech Consultancy to support in event planning, website creation and digital strategy
Project sponsor

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Nominee's first name: *
Nominee's last name: *
Nominee's email address: *
Nominee's role at school or school district: *
This allows us to send the appropriate event info to them.
Nominee's school or district: *
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First name
Add name if you want us to share who nominated them.
Your email address:
Add email if you want to stay in the loop about our events.
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