MCCSD Emergency Planning Committee 

The official purpose of the Marin City Emergency Planning Committee (MCEPC) is to:

  • Develop and train an emergency response plan.
  • Develop procedures for regulated facilities and provide notification to the Marin City Community Services Board

  • Develop procedures for receiving and processing requests from the public under the Community Right-To-Know

  • Provide public notification of Committee activities.

  • Implement activities that may be legally required by the Federal Government, the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) 

Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act , Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committees must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens.

An ideal member of the MCEPC has been identified as someone who is active in the community, someone who is interested in emergency planning, preparedness and response and lastly, someone who shows up to the meetings. These questions are posed in an effort to understand which applicant best meets this description.

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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
What do you know about us?
Why are you interested in our Committee?

Please describe what you know of the Local Emergency Planning


What suitable experience, knowledge, or perspective can you bring to the Local Emergency Planning Committee?


What do you see as the most crucial issues concerning emergency planning, preparedness and response that confront Marin City?


Will you have time for the demands of the position? Meetings are held once a month. There may be subcommittees, packets of information to review, or research required of Board members.

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