Give profile to look for matching companies
Nova Talent is collecting profiles of promising future talents to seek a coding job. Your information will be used only in negotiations with companies in order to get new persons recruited. Nova Talent won't usually announce open positions in public, but it negotiates frequently with companies which recruiting in software sector.  
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I have working proficiency in following languages (you can choose more than one) *
Institution where I'm currently studying *
I have study time still left *
Employment *
I have been learning to code (hobby/studies/work) *
My five strongest languages/technologies are (including self assessment of each from 1 to 5 ) *
I have done the following projects/portfolios in school (you can attach links, like GitHub etc.) *
I have done the following projects/portfolios as a hobby in my free-time (you can attach links, like GitHub etc.)
Who am I and why company should recruit me (write your elevator pitch here)
I would prefer to work in: (you can choose more than one) *
I am interested to work *
Name *
Year of birth (xxxx)
e-mail *
phone *
Nova Talent can save my personal information in their account register. This information is used in negotiations between Nova Talent and recruiting companies for the purpose of recruitment. (GDPR). *
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