Camp Cardinal 2024 Interest Check

A free camp that will take place  at YMCA of the Pines in Medford. It is exclusively for children between the ages of 7 and 14 who have experienced substance use disorders, whether by ongoing use or loss, in their immediate families. 

The camp will provide children with a safe space to interact and participate in activities as they learn coping skills to build resilience to stress, anxiety, depression and other mental-health issues.

The Traumatic Loss Coalition for Youth, an interactive statewide network of professionals with experience in mental health, suicide prevention, trauma response and resiliency enhancement will also assist with the camp.

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What School or School District do you work for?
What position do you hold in the school/school district?
How many  youth are affected by Substance Use Disorder or lost someone to Substance Use Disorder?
How many are affected by Substance Use Disorder? 
How many have lost someone to Substance Use Disorder?
Do you think they would be interested in attending Camp Cardinal?
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