SWDCA Media release form

For use of photographs, audio files, video clips, biographical information, and quotations from interviews I hereby  give my permission to The Spanish Water Dog  Club of America to use any images, video clips, audio files, biographical  information, and interview quotations from which I may be identified and provided by me or recorded of me (the “Material”) in Spanish Water Dog Club  of America publications, websites, emails, and social media posts.

Furthermore,  I hereby authorize The Spanish Water Dog Club of America to edit, alter, copy,  exhibit, publish or distribute this material for purposes of publicizing programs or for any other lawful purpose. I also understand that that the  Spanish Water Dog Club newsletter, websites, emails and social media posts will be available to the public and not just to members only.  

I represent and warrant that:

(i) I am the sole owner of all copyright, trademark,  and other intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to the Material,

(ii)  The Spanish Water Dog Club of America’s publication of the material as  authorized herein will not violate or infringe on any copyright, trademark, or  other intellectual property or proprietary right of any person or entity, and

(iii)  I am not a party to and the material is not subject to any contract or  arrangement which would conflict with my permission herein. In addition, I  waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use  of the Material. 

Please indicate your agreement by signing, saving and submitting this form. In signing,  you warrant you have no claim on ground of breach of confidence or on any  ground in any legal system against The Spanish Water Dog Club of America in  respect of the publication of images of, or quotations from you. 

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I/We hereby grant permission for the use of the material listed about. 

Please indicate your agreement by signing and returning this form. In signing, you warrant you have no claim on ground of breach of confidence or on any ground in any legal system against The Spanish Water Dog Club of America in respect of the publication of images of, or quotations from, you.

I/We hereby grant permission for the use of the Material requested above.

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