Maryland Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Survey
This survey is designed to gather information and preferences from outdoor enthusiasts that use public land and/or water throughout the state of Maryland. The results of this survey will be used to improve our ability to provide the opportunities and services that fit the needs of our outdoor customers. Please answer all the questions accurately so that we are able to get an understanding of the needs and preferences of Maryland outdoor users. All individual results will be kept confidential and used only by the Department of Natural Resources.
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Birth Year (Only the year you were born) *
Home Zip code *
Are you a Maryland Resident? *
How would you describe yourself? *
Do you have a DNR ID number? (A DNR ID is assigned to an individual when they use our online COMPASS portal, which provides 24/7 self service access to our product catalog of recreational licenses, permits, and stamps; off road vehicle registrations; magazine subscriptions; and donations in support of your favorite Maryland Department of Natural Resources programs.) *
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