KZFR Board of Directors' Application: 2024-26
KZFR is looking to fill up to three (3) open Director slots for the 2024-26 Board term. This form shall serve as an application for persons wanting to be considered for election to the Board of Directors. (No personal information included in this form shall be shared to third parties or added to any list-serves.)

It is the Mission of KZFR to enlighten, entertain, inform and educate our listeners in support of community. Golden Valley Community Broadcasters dba KZFR is an Equal Opportunity Employer and seeks to increase its diversity in order to better represent and serve the communities within our listening area. For more information, please see KZFR's Diversity Statement here: 
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Email *
What is your name? *
Are you a Programmer at KZFR? *
Where do you currently reside? *
What is your phone number?  (Area code first) *
How did you hear about this position?  (Please check all that apply.) *
Have you ever served on a nonprofit Board of Directors? *
Have you served on KZFR's Board before? *
Please summarize why you want to serve on KZFR's Board of Directors? (please use 60 words or less) *
Do you have experience in any of the following areas?  (Please check all that apply.) *
Much of KZFR’s Board communication takes place via email and shared Google Folders through the internet.  Many of these files are in PDF format.  Do you have reliable access to the internet and an email-compatible device in order to regularly check folders/files and compose emails? *
KZFR Board and most committee meetings are currently held via Zoom in order to ensure ease of access.  Do you have reliable access to a device with camera, microphone, and audio?  (Such as a laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc.)
Board applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a BOD meeting via Zoom to meet sitting members, KZFR staff, and to acquaint themselves with the meeting format, process, and so forth. Upcoming BOD meetings are scheduled for June 11, July 7, August 13, September 10,  (6-8 pm). Are you available to attend at least one of these upcoming meetings? *
An average Director will likely invest a minimum of 6-10 hours per month on Board business (which includes serving on working committees, see next question). Additional time commitments may involve volunteering at KZFR public events, helping with pledge drives, and so forth. Are you able to meet this commitment? *
The KZFR Board of Directors currently has the following working committees: Executive (officers only); Fundraising; Community Advisory Board; News Committee; Strategic Plan; & Document Review. All BOD members are expected to volunteer for at least one working committee. If elected to serve on the Board, would you be available to join one of these committees? *
What are three characteristics of an ideal board member and how do you exemplify them?
What does KZFR mean to you? *
Is there anything else you would like the Board of Directors of KZFR to know prior to considering you for an interview?  (You may also use this space to ask questions of the Board.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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