Queen Eevie's Slave Application
$50 application fee must be sent to one of the links on my site www.eevielain.com
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
이메일 *
Full Name *
Preferred Name *
Relationship Status *
Location *
Twitter/Instagram *
or username for clip site or other social platform we're connected through
Types of sessions you're interested in *
In addition to your baseline financial submission
Occupation and monthly income *
Weekly slave budget *
the amount you're able to send determines the amount of My attention you'll receive
What fetishes are you interested in exploring with Me? *
Soft limits *
Hard limits *
Have you had an experience with a Domme in the past? What did and did not work/how long was your arrangement(s)? *
If this is your first time seeking ownership, describe your ideal situation
What kind of rewards would you like for over the top service to Me? *
If your option was not listed above, describe here *
Are you interested in reimbursement opportunities? *
What bills are you interested in paying? *
Anything else I should know? *
Do you understand that not completing a task or sending tribute in a timely manner will result in punishment and additional tribute requirement? *
Do you understand that repeated excuses will get you shown the door and no longer in service to Me or contact with Me? *
I understand things happen but COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Don't just disappear: COMMUNICATE! I can also smell bullshit from a mile away. Don't abuse My compassion
How much did you send for this application submission? *
First impressions are very important!
If your application is chosen, we will move to a one month trial period before moving to a slave contract. If we get to the contract phase, how long of a contract would you like to sign? *
your contract will be specifically created for you and your areas of interest/strengths of service
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