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Research Day 2025 Application Form
Please fill in the form below if you would like to be a part of the Victoria College Research Day 2025, on Monday, March 31st, 2025.
All Vic students and any students enrolled in Victoria College programs or courses
are eligible to participate.
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* Indicates required question
Full Name
(If working on a collaborative project, list full names of all members)
Your answer
Preferred Pronoun(s)
Your answer
UofT Email Address
Your answer
Affiliation with Victoria College
Vic Student
Enrolled in Vic Academic Program (e.g. Creativity and Society, Renaissance Studies, etc.)
Research done for a Victoria College Class
None of the Above
Program of Study
Your answer
Year of Study
Area of Research
Social Science
Research Supervisor (If Applicable)
Your answer
Research Project Title
Your answer
Please provide a brief description of your project that is understandable by a general audience.
Avoid overly technical language or field-specific jargon.
(max 150 words)
Your answer
Would you be interested in attending an info-session on how to prepare for Research Day posters?
Thank You!
We appreciate your interest in sharing your work with the Vic community on Research Day 2025.
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