SketchPad Membership Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in joining the SketchPad community! SketchPad welcomes membership applications for individuals and organizations whose work connects Jews to Jewish life and community. As a collaborative space, all prospective members must share a strong commitment to our communal values (collaboration; spirit; community; openness) and to working and partnering with existing member organizations and SketchPad.

Please fill out this form, and someone will be in touch with you soon.

Our Mission: SketchPad energizes and strengthens an open Chicago Jewish community by promoting collaboration and innovation for Jewish nonprofit organizations and professionals. SketchPad provides a coworking space and programming that stimulates cross-fertilization of ideas, further invigorating our communal landscape.

Our Vision: SketchPad is the model for Jewish community engagement and collaboration in Chicago: an intellectual, cultural, spiritual, and socially conscious hub. It maximizes the individual and collective impact of members, the sharing of ideas and resources, and the development of an inspired network of Jewish professionals and organizations.​
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Organization *
What is your organization's mission? *
What is your organization's website? *
​What Jewish values drive the work that you and your organization do?
​Who/what are the constituencies you serve?
What, if any, partnerships, joint programming, or regular interactions have you had with SketchPad and/or current organizational members? *
Why are you interested in joining SketchPad, specifically? What partnerships or collaborations are you excited to initiate or explore? *
What special skills and expertise would you/your team bring to the larger SketchPad community? *
How many people will you need space for? *
What type of membership or workspace do you require? *
When are you hoping to join? *
If you are looking to move in on a specific date, please include the date here.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
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