BBUK Friends of the Bureau form
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B'nai B'rith
BECOME A FRIEND OF THE BBUK BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - For £25 per year, you can become a ‘Friend of the Bureau’ and will be entitled to receive free copies of all our resources, invitations to the diplomatic meetings open to full members, and news of all our meetings and events.
Please pay by BACS transfer to:
CAF Bank
Name of account: BBUK
Sort Code:40-52-40
A/c Number: 00015064
Ref: Your name/Bureau Friend
To comply with data protection regulations we need you to complete this form to give your permission for BBUK to hold the following information on our membership database.

As part of BBUK’s compliance with the new data protection regulations, all previous membership data held will be deleted.

None of the information on this form with be released to any outside organisation and will only be used for the efficient administration of B’nai B’rith UK.

We will communicate with you by email.

First Name: *
Surname: *
Address: *
Postcode: *
Telephone No: *
Mobile No: *
email address: *
Age Range: *
Occupation *
Additional Information
Thank you for completing the form
Today's Date *
B'nai Brith UK,  450a London Road, Cheam, Surrey SM3 8JB
Tel: 075 8808 7324 email:
B’nai B’rith United Kingdom Limited - A Company Limited by Guarantee • Company Number:  3328487 • Registered Charity Number:  1061661
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