Volunteer Application
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop Volunteer Program.  We know that your time is valuable to you and we want to make your involvement with us positive and worthwhile.  Information you supply on this application will assist us in providing a productive volunteer experience for you and one that supports our mission!  After your application is reviewed, we’ll arrange an on-site interview/orientation with you, which could also be your first shift!  Please note: we are not a dust/allergen-free facility.

Volunteers under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Volunteers under the age of 18 require parental approval by signature(s).

The Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and unlawful harassment.  Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion or other protected characteristic will not be tolerated.

If you are applying to volunteer as a result of court mandated community service or work release ordered hours, you must speak directly to our Volunteer Coordinator at 734-996-9155 or contact us via email at a2ptomanagers@gmail.com.  

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Email *
Name: *
Date of Birth: *
Address: *
Phone Number: *
Emergency Contact Name/Relationship to you: *
Emergency Contact Phone Number: *
Please select the category or affiliation that most fits you as a volunteer with us: *
How did you hear about opportunities with A2PTO?
Have you reached out to volunteer with us on any other site? *
What is your interest or motivation in volunteering with us? *
Will your volunteer hours need to be documented/validated and provided to your employer, school, club, or organization?  Please list the entity and/or person requiring documentation of your volunteer hours and experience. *
Volunteers are assigned to skill and age appropriate tasks that benefit the greatest needs of the Shop.  Do you have any skills or specialty interests you would like to use or that you feel would benefit the Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop?   *
Volunteer shifts are a minimum of two (2) hours but can be longer.  Please indicate your availability (Please include days of the week and times each day that you are available.
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