GC Digital Research Institute Application Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in the GC Digital Research Institute (DRI), an introduction to foundational digital research skills that form a basis for a variety of technology-enabled research projects. Participants will attend 5 days of 3.5-4 hour remote workshops, learning basic digital research skills and connecting with others in an interdisciplinary environment. 

No prior experience using technology is required. This institute is designed with a beginners in mind. The GC Digital Research Institute provides an introduction to computational thinking, vocabularies, and foundational concepts so that participants can develop the necessary skills to become an autonomous learner. Pacing and content will be appropriate for those who are not already confident in their use of the command line, data management, HTML/CSS, and Python for text analysis and application development.

Participation is **free**, and open to graduate students, faculty, and staff at the Graduate Center; however, applications are required. 

To accommodate a remote-learning environment, the DRI this year will consist of five Zoom sessions to be held from January 17th–23rd, 2024, with a break during the weekend (Jan. 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, and 23rd).  Each day of the institute will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 12:30 p.m. with a break scheduled. Participation is required for all five sessions.

Beyond our Zoom meetings, DRI will also include space for informal co-working sessions and opportunities to build with peers. By applying, you agree to participate in all activities.

Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 27th, 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact: gc.digitalfellows@gmail.com, and thank you again for your interest.
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 First Name *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
Email address *
Enter your primary email address so that we can contact you regarding your application.
Have you applied to the GC DRI in the past?
We request that all applicants submit a new application to be considered for the January 2023 institute.
Academic Program at The Graduate Center *
Participants must be affiliated with The Graduate Center to be considered.
If "other," please enter your affiliation
Academic Status *
The DRI covers foundational technical concepts. We address basic conceptual introductions to computing to help you develop the skills necessary for self-directed learning. The purpose of the institute is to assist you in becoming familiar with the vocabulary and computational thinking skills to make more informed decisions about your research options. *
If you already have most of the skills that we will be covering in our institute's curriculum or if you are looking for more advanced workshops, do check out our Spring semester offerings instead which will be published soon.
How might learning foundational technical concepts, vocabularies, and computational thinking help you to reach your academic and professional goals (be as specific as possible)? (limit 150 words) *
Describe one or more of the research materials you either a) previously worked with; and/or b) are interested in working with (be as specific as possible, add links if available). (200 words max) *
e.g. books, digitized texts, images, census reports, places and/or dates, museum collections, financial reports, experimental results, archival records, open city datasets, etc.
In fewer than 5 steps, briefly tell us how you solved a recent technical problem. This question is designed to help us understand how you approach frustrations with technology. *
What advantages and disadvantages might there be for you to learning technical skills through an online format? *
The Digital Research Institute is a five-session commitment from Wednesday, January 17th, 2024 to Tuesday, January 23, 2024, with a break over the weekend (Jan. 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, and 23rd). Each session begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m., with a break scheduled. Participation is expected in all sessions. If you are aware of scheduling conflicts, some flexibility is possible with advance notification. Will you be able to attend all five sessions of the institute?  *
If you answered no or maybe in the previous question, please briefly describe the time, date, and duration of potential schedule conflicts.
Have you ever used the CUNY Academic Commons (or another WordPress-based community platform)? *
e.g., Blogs@Baruch, City Tech Open Lab, QWriting at Queens, Macaulay Honors College ePortfolios
How did you hear about this program? *
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