CSFS Job Shadowing Request
This form is intended for high school students, college students, and other individuals who are interested in shadowing a CSFS professional for a day. Please fill out the following information, and the CSFS Experiential Learning Specialist will be in touch with you. The Experiential Learning Specialist will match you with someone at the CSFS who aligns with your interests. Please note that in-person job shadowing experiences with the CSFS are currently only available to individuals located within Colorado. If you do not live in Colorado, you can still fill out this form and the Experiential Learning Specialist will schedule a remote informational interview between you and a CSFS employee instead.  
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Name: *
Email Address: *
Age: *
What town are you primarily located in?  *
Name of School (if applicable):
Current Year of School (if applicable):
Select the fields below that interest you to shadow (select all that apply):
Which days of the week typically work best for you during the school year?
Which days of the week typically work best for you during the summer?
Do you have a method of transportation you can use to travel to a job shadowing destination? We will aim to match you with a professional in your general area.  
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