Red Bike User Agreement & Photo Release
Please complete and submit our user agreement and photo release form below if you are participating in a community group ride or a test ride conducted by Red Bike or a Red Bike Community Ambassador.
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[OPTIONAL] Tell Us About Yourself
As a transportation service provider, we understand that someone's race, gender, and/or sexual orientation has an impact on their experience traveling around the city. The below questions are all optional, but answering them will help us develop better programming and services.
How do you describe yourself?
Check all that apply or "Decline to Answer"
What is your home neighborhood?
What is your age?
What is your preferred language?
Is this your first time riding Red Bike?
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Please rate your sentiment on this statement: I feel like Red Bike is for people like me.
No, Red Bike is NOT at all for people like me
Yes, Red Bike is ABSOLUTELY for people like me
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