Quietly Seething 
Collecting anonymous stories of feminine rage.

Quietly Seething is an ongoing project driven by my curiosity about how women and girls experience and relate to the emotion of anger. This project is inclusive of the experiences of trans women, gender diverse individuals, people who were assigned female at birth and people who are misgendered as female. 

As part of this project, I am collecting anonymous stories about feminine rage from female identifying people via the questionnaire below. The responses collected via this questionnaire will serve as inspiration/source material for my art making and may appear in part or in full as text, audio or symbolically via the imagery I choose to use in my artwork.  

For those of you who choose to contribute to this project by filling out this questionnaire, please know that this is a judgement free zone – meaning I want you to be as brutally honest as you can. I know anger can be a hard subject to reflect on and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with me. 

I appreciate you - your anger is valid. 

You can stay up to date with this project as it unfolds by following me on social media @talfitzpatrick, or by visiting my website http://talfitzpatrick.com 

Yours in solidarity, 

Tal Fitzpatrick 

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Tell me: What are you secretly furious about? What in your day-to-day life fills you with a quiet rage?  
As a female-identifying person, how do you relate to anger? What do you associate with this emotion? How do you experience it? What does it feel like in your body? 
So you are quietly seething, what now? What do you do when you're angry? Is it something you feel you can outwardly express? How do you process/channel this emotion? How do people treat you when you are angry? 
Anything else you would like share about feminine rage? 
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