2. Waiver of Liability - I, (Hereinafter the "Releasor"), desire to participate in the Activity*, which has been organized by the Releasees**. In consideration for my participation in the Activity, which consideration is hereby expressly accepted and acknowledged on behalf of myself, my representatives, heirs, agents, administrators, trustees, executors, assigns, successors and on behalf of any party or parties who claim a right or interest through me. Therefore, under the terms of this Release and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I DO HEREBY RELEASE, ACQUIT, AND FOREVER DISCHARGE, WITHOUT QUALIFICATION OR LIMITATION the Releasees, of 609 any personal injury, death and/or property damage, expense, and/or loss sustained by me as a result of my participation in the Activity due to any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to and without limitation, negligence, gross negligence, willful misconduct, including the failure to take reasonable steps to safeguard and protect me from the risk, dangers, and/or hazards of participating in the Activity, and/or breach of statutory or any other duty. *