1-1 Intensive Coaching with Melyssa Griffin
In order to be considered for this 6-month program, please fill out the application below. If Melyssa thinks you would be a good fit, we will reach out to schedule a call together.
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Your name *
Your email address *
Your website or a link to your work
Why are you seeking a mentor right now and what are you looking to gain from this experience?
Are you currently in transition in your life? How so?
Have you been coached before? What was your experience like?
Do you have a business? Please briefly share what you do.
What challenges are you facing in your business that you’d like strategic support with?
What is the annual revenue of your business, if you have one?
How did you hear about Melyssa or her work?
Intensive, 1-1 coaching with Melyssa is a transformational program designed to support you in deep personal and business growth. To reach this kind of transformation, are you willing to invest at least $2,500 per month in your growth if accepted into the program?
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