Inner Way LA Survey
The future of Inner Way LA is being formed right now and your opinion will play a crucial role in this development. Please take a few minutes to reflect and respond to the following questions. The survey is anonymous.
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Do you support Inner Way LA's Mission Statement (adapted from Lama Marut's Mission Statement for The Middle Way Centers) stated here:
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Which aspect of Inner Way LA's mission is most important to you?
How important is the presence of a physical space for our community? Given that our physical space has been closed for over a year, we are evaluating whether the community might prefer becoming a purely online organization.
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In what ways would you consider becoming more involved in Inner Way LA? If you prefer to not enter your email in the survey, please email if interested in volunteering.
Do you have any suggestions for events or other ways that Inner Way LA can act to further its mission?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Please share your email with us if you wish. Otherwise the survey is anonymous. If you would like to volunteer but do not want to enter your email, please send an email to
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