Learn To Groom Your Own Dog Workshop
Booking Request Form

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Email *

Full Name/s of Workshop Attendee/s 

(Please put down the name of everyone wanting to attend the workshop).


Mobile Number

(Please put down the main contact person's name and number)


Name of Dog Attending the Workshop

Breed of Dog attending the workshop. Please also indicate approximate size/weight of dog. *
What is the age or date of birth of your dog? *
Has your dog been groomed before? If so approximately when was the last groom? *
Where did you hear about the workshop? *

When would you like to do the workshop?

Remember, your dog/s must be due for a groom in order to make the workshop worthwhile!

(You will receive a message with date options - whilst we try to accommodate your time frame, the more notice you can give the better!)*

My dog/s is due for a groom now - so ASAP!

2 - 4 weeks from now

4 - 6 weeks from now

6 - 8 weeks from now


If other - please explain ...


Do you have a preferred day/s to do the workshop? Generally the workshops run on a Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. 

Do you have anything else you would like to tell us? Eg special needs or requests?

Thank you for your booking request!

We will be in contact ASAP to lock in a date for your workshop. 

We look forward to teaching you how to groom your own dog!

With woofs and wags,

Julianne, Teddy & Belle


Let me know below if you have a preferred time for me to call :)
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