Petition to the BFC President to Convene a Meeting of the Full Bloomington Faculty
Wednesday, 27 April 2022

We, the undersigned, under Section 4.3 of the Constitution of the Bloomington Faculty Council (BFC; “Special Meetings”), call to convene a special meeting of the full faculty during the week of 2-6 May. We wish to discuss issues concerning the Indiana Graduate Workers Coalition and the ongoing labor dispute between the IU Administration and striking SAAs. We propose that we begin an all-faculty dialogue, focused on these four matters:

1. Extend the grading period for Spring 2022.
2. Mandate the BFC to revise SAA policies to prevent the Provost from terminating, and/or failing to re-appoint, SAAs without the approval of the relevant supervisory units.
3. Call for recognition of the Union by the BFC, and call for the Provost, President, and Board of Trustees to recognize the IGWC-UE.
4. Delineate contingencies that would trigger a formal call for a vote of no confidence in the Provost for his leadership during the labor dispute with SAAs.

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