Volunteer Questionnaire ESC-2022
If you are 18-30 years old and have not taken part in ESC or EVS volunteering project before, if you are eco-friendly and motivated to work, you can apply for this amazing opportunity in Finland.

- taking care of an organic garden cooperative
- building new houses
- helping to maintain, renovate and develop our communal buildings and private houses,
- making firewood
- cleaning
- cooking
- participating in and/or organizing big and small events for kids, teenagers and adults
- promoting the eco-village in a variety of public events, and hosting our visitors
- promoting your own activity on social media

- living - sustainable, innovative and beneficial small businesses that can also
economically support the residents
- non-profit communal businesses
- civil actions of many kinds
- permacultural applications and experiments
- developing greater degree of self-sufficiency
- organising events of many kinds
- networking within the eco-village movement and different intentional communities
- at least 18 years old
- being able to work in English language
- being present for the whole project
- enthusiastic and willing to learn
- independent
- sociable
- creative
- team work orientation

The project will take place in Livonsaari (Finland). Eco-village is located in the countryside, on the coastline of southwest Finland on the Livonsaari island. The island is situated 22 km west from Naantali town and 35 km west from the city of Turku.
The volunteers (4 girls) will be living in one room of the common house where live other people.

Volunteers receive pocket money every month. The project will also cover moderate traveling expenses between the ecovillage and the volunteer's home town to the project and back depending on the distance. Volunteers will be provided with food for prepare their own meals. During the harvest season volunteers also receive vegetables from our organic cooperative garden.

📌 DEADLINE: yesterday)))
Applicants should send a CV and a short statement of interest in English to e-mail   esc.livonsaari@gmail.com  
CV in English should be created using the resource https://europa.eu/europass/en
Applicants should also register on the site https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en      "I am a young person"

Interviews will be held with candidates immediately after completing this form. The first applicants will be selected.

There is no participation fee.
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Your first and last name/Ваше ім'я та прізвище *
Your age/Ваш вік
Contact phone / Контактний телефон *
Contact e-mail / Контактний e-mail *
Your personal number on europa.eu *
Link to CV on europass *
Link to your social network profile / Посилання на Ваш профіль у соціальній мережі *
Residence registration address / Адреса реєстрації *
Do you have experience of volunteering?/Чи є у Вас досвід волонтерської діяльності? *
If Yes, briefly describe this experience (what and where you did it) / Якщо так, то коротко опишіть цей досвід (чим та де займались)
Do you have experience in team work? / Чи є у Вас досвід роботи в команді? *
If Yes, briefly describe your experience, your strengths and weaknesses in teamwork / Якщо так, то коротко опишіть свій досвід, ваші сильні та слабкі сторони роботи в команді
Do you have experience in agriculture? /Чи є у Вас досвід роботи у сфері сільського господарства? *
If Yes, describe this experience / Якщо так, то опишіть цей досвід
Do you have experience in organizing and holding mass events? / Чи є у Вас досвід організації та проведення масових заходів? *
If Yes, briefly describe this experience / Якщо так, то коротко опишіть цей досвід
Are you ready to live in the room with other volunteers during the project? / Чи готові Ви мешкати в кімнаті разом з іншими волонтерками під час участі у проєкті? *
How do you see your activities during the participation in the project? Briefly describe what you can / would like to do / Як Ви бачите свою діяльність під час участі у проєкті? Коротко опишіть, чим ви можете/хотіли б займатися *
What is your level of English? / Який у Вас рівень володіння англійською мовою? *
Describe your soft & hard skills, hobbies and interests / Опишіть свої додаткові навички (soft&hard skills), вподобання, хобі та інтереси *
Do you have a desire to implement your own activities / ideas in the project? / Чи є у вас бажання реалізувати власні активності/ідеї в проєкті? *
Estimated time of volunteering/запропонований термін волонтерства (обрати бажаний термін)
Additional information about you, not mentioned above / Додаткова інформація про Вас, не зазначена вище
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