Drop a Truth Bomb
For the past 4 years, I've been exploring what it means to be authentic in a weekly podcast series called Are You Being Real.  

Despite producing over 200 episodes, and having beautifully open and honest conversations with incredibly inspiring people, there's always been a missing piece in this exploration of authenticity...a platform for any and all voices to be heard.

So we are changing that and building the first ever world-wide collection of Truth Bombs!

Have something you want to say or own up to?

Whether you'd like to check out the project by following us @People.Being.Real or submit a Truth Bomb of your own, we'd love to have you, and in the case of the latter, feature you!  Follow the simple steps below :)

Excited to see what we co-create and how it touches people!

Mark Shapiro (Founder, PeopleBeingReal.org and AreYouBeingReal.com)

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Come up with your own Truth Bomb and/or answer a few of these helpful prompts.  

Important Reminders:
-30 word limit per entry.
-Don't over think them.
-Invest 5 mins, tops, on this section.
What's your TRUTH BOMB?
The best advice is….
What is something you are embarrassed to admit, but will share anyway cause it could help someone?  Share what it is & why you are sharing.
I am (list 3-5 things you love about yourself) ______, but sometime’s I tell myself  (list 3-5 things you tell yourself that hold you back)_______.
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