Framingham High School Football Youth Clinic
Saturday, July 22nd, 2023 9am-12pm
Grades 2-8
Cost - $25 (includes t-shirt)
Framingham High School Turf
The clinic will be run by FHS Varsity coaches with assistance from FHS varsity players.  The focus will be on offensive and defensive skills by position.  Athletes will be timed and measured on various football benchmarks.  No experience necessary.
No refunds after 7/15/23.
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Player first name *
Player last name *
Player Grade (as of September 2023) *
Parent/guardian first name *
Parent/guardian last name *
Parent/guardian email *
Parent/guardian cell phone *
Do you give permission for the FHS Gridiron Club to use your child's photo for publicity purposes? *
The cost for the clinic is $25.  How will you pay? *
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