Community resources bank to support Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery learning.
Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery's special character places the young person and their passion for learning central in their individual learning pathway.

As such, we are committed to learning occurring anywhere, in any place, in a myriad of ways, thanks to the rich involvement of whānau and community.

To realise this goal of our special character and create this life long learning pathway with the tamariki, we are inviting all interested members of our community, both within the school and beyond, to share their skills, areas of passion, hobbies, workplaces, and any other resources.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this quick form to link our student community with the opportunities our thriving whānau and the wider community can provide to build new learning.

Ngā mihi nui, Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery.

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Email *
Name and your phone number *
Website if applicable.
My area/s of interest include *
If I have a specific role this is
I can be contacted to *
Other opportunities I could support or facilitate would be
The best way to contact me is through *
Any further notes that could help
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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