REFUGIN's Training Programme for community and educational professionals working with displaced youth

REFUGIN's Training Programme for educational and community professionals working with displaced youth is part of a multilingual training initiative which aims to adequately capacitate these practitioners with the necessary skills and knowledge to adequately contribute to the sustained integration of this particularly vulnerable target-group in host countries.    

Besides theoretical information on these topics, this training course provides practical information, materials, and tools for practitioners to implement when working with displaced youth in host communities

The course will be available for piloting in English, French, Greek, and Serbian for educational and community professionals working with displaced youth from France, Greece, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Serbia. This training course will take place in an e-Learning format, thus allowing for a self-paced progress. After its completion, a Certificate of Achievement will be provided.  

To know more about the REFUGIN project, please visit its website:

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