FLUP sign-up sheet
Here you can sign up for the FLUP.

In the weekend of 13-15 September the first GEWIS-weekend will take place: the one and only FLUP (Introduction Follow Up Weekend)! It will be a big party, but only for three days! We will drink beer or soda, chill on big fluffy things, play games, enjoy a barbecue, have a cantus, visit pubs... we will do everything you can expect of us! So buy a ticket and be sure not to miss it! You can buy tickets at the board and intro-committee until September 12th! Times are still subject to change!
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What is your name?
What is your date of birth?
What is your e-mail?
What is your phone number?
Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions/preferences?
What kind of ticket did you buy?
Do you have any other remarks?
I am going to pay by clicking the link on the next page!
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