Hot Dog Day Participation Form 
Do you want to have a spot in this years Hot Dog Day Parade? Please fill out this form in order to reserve a space! The parade will begin at 12pm on April 22nd, if you want to participate you will need to be at your designated location by 11:30am in order to get in the proper order so the parade runs smoothly. If you arrive later than 11:30am you may loose your spot within the parade. The Parade Committee also reserves the right to deny spots based on improper and inappropriate requests submitted. Please submit your participation from by 4/10/23 (April 10th)! Hope to see you there!

A reminder this is a family event, please refrain from inappropriate music, clothing, or representation or you will be asked not to participate.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Name of the Club
Club Representative 
Contact information for Representative (phone and email)
Do you wish to play music?
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Do you need time to perform at the judge stand?
Effacer la sélection
Will you be driving a vehicle, or walking?
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If you are using a vehicle, what is the make and model of the vehicle? If you are not planning on using a vehicle please respond N/A
Is there any special considerations we should know about (ex. will animals be apart of the participants, Colorguard equipment, etc) if there are no considerations, please respond N/A
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