The 2nd UK AI Conference 2024 - Registration Form 
The Second UK AI Conference will be held at The Exchange, University of Birmingham, UK, on Friday, 22 November 2024. Please use this form to register for the conference and submit your research contribution if you plan to participate as an author.
  • Registration deadline: Friday, October 4 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
  • Confirmation emails sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Note: Due to limited space at the venue, priority will be given to those who submit a contributed talk or poster for the conference.

The event website is available here:

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Given Name *
What is your given name? (e.g. Jonathan, Javier, Francesca, Sonia, Rajiv, Oluwabayo)
Preferred Name
What is your  preferred name? (if different from given name, e.g. Jon, Javi, Raj, Bayo)?
Family Name *
What is your family name? (e.g. Smith, Gonzalez, Ogedegbe, Subramanian)
Institution *
What is your affiliation? (e.g. Queen Mary University of London, Bournemouth University, Lancaster University)
Email *
What is your email address?
Research Interests *
What are your research interests? (Please select all that apply.)
Career Stage *
  What is your current career stage?  
Dietary Requirements *
Do you have any of the these dietary requirements? (Please select all that apply.)
Contribution *
Do you want to submit a contributed talk or poster to the conference?  Note: Due to limited space at the venue, priority will be given to those who submit a contribution for the conference.
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