Kickoff Workshop Evaluation
Please take 5 minutes to cooperate in completing this questionnaire is greatly appreciated. The information you provide will be useful to developing our action plans to follow up this workshop and in planning future events. This evaluation is anonymous. The results will be summarized and share in the workshop report.
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A) General objectives
Select one answer the following questions
A1) In general, how would rate the workshop? *
A2) Would you say that the workshop’s objectives were achieved? *
Where the workshop objectives in the following
The content and objectives of the workshop are listed below. Please mark on a scale of 1 (low - the objective has not been achieved) to 5 (high - the objective has been fully achieved) if, in your opinion on whether or not these points have been achieved
B1) raising awareness on the CAP standard? *
Not at all
Fully achieved
B2) realizing the potential of a MASA platform? *
Not at all
Fully achieved
B3) determining the steps for implementing the project? *
Not at all
Fully acheived
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