Transportation to the Chinese American Museum

Every year, 5,000 students and educators visit the Chinese American Museum (CAM) to participate in tours and workshops through the CAM School Transportation Fund. The CAM School Transportation Fund provides subsidized transportation for students and educators from schools and nonprofits who are in need of financial assistance for transportation costs. Subsidized transportation is available on a limited basis and on a first come, first served basis.

Please carefully review the following guidelines and policies regarding the CAM School Transportation Fund:

1) The CAM School Transportation Fund subsidizes the costs of transportation for members of schools and 501(c)(3) nonprofits to visit the Museum through two means: buses and public transit.

2) CAM’s School Transportation Fund supports trips made for educational purposes and visitations to tour CAM, or CAM and other museums/monuments at El Pueblo Historical Monument only.

3) CAM will reimburse a school/organization for any approved bus trip to the Museum up to a maximum amount of $350 per bus for each visit.  Actual amount of reimbursement is dependent on availability of funds. The school/organization will be responsible for all cost above the $350 limit.

4) All visits made through the CAM School Transportation Fund must be pre-scheduled by the CAM’s Education Department.

5) All requests for reimbursement must be pre-approved (prior to the trip) by CAM’s Education Department.

6) Each subsidized bus must have a minimum of 40 individuals on one scheduled visit.  

7) CAM will also subsidize the use of public transportation (Metrolink and MTA), reimbursing the school/organization up to $4 per student/member and up to 60 students/members per day.  Receipts are required for reimbursements and arrangement must be made with CAM’s Educator prior to the purchase of transit tickets.

8) The applicant is responsible for making arrangements for transportation, including but not limited to scheduling a date, time, and location for pick-up and drop-off with the district office and/or bus companies.  

9) CAM will only disburse transportation funds through reimbursements.  All transportation invoices or receipts must be submitted to the Museum through mail and must be received within three months of the scheduled visit.  Failure to comply with such policies will result in forfeiture of any reimbursement.  CAM is not responsible for lost invoices or receipts.  Reimbursement requests must be sent by mail to:

Chinese American Museum
Attn: CAM School Transportation Fund
125 Paseo de la Plaza, Suite 202
Los Angeles, CA 90012

10) Funds will be disbursed only after the scheduled visit (as approved by CAM’s Educator) is complete.

11) Priority is given to Title One Schools.

12) The school/organization will be responsible for any/all transportation expenses incurred if the tour is canceled.  

13) Applications for subsidized transportation must be submitted at least 4 weeks prior to the requested date of visitation.  Submission of an application does not guarantee approval.

14) All decisions made by CAM’s Education Department with respect to requests for reimbursements are FINAL.

The CAM School Transportation Fund is supported by the generosity of individual community members, local organizations and businesses. We request the applicant’s students/members (individually or collectively) to write thank you letters directed to the Subsidized Bus Program sponsors. Furthermore, please send your thank you letters directly to the Museum Educator, who will forward them to the appropriate sponsor.
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