Fantasy of the Lakes Entertainment Application
2024 Entertainment Application - 5 Theme Elements to our land.  Where do you fit in with earth, air, fire, water and Spirit? If unsure we will help apply our best fit.
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Email *
 Your Name, Address, Phone Number and email

Character/Act Name. Contact Person, and Website *
Do you have Liability Insurance? Provider Information?
Describe your act in some detail. Are you stage or street theater.
Out of Earth and Air, Water and Fire, or Spirit lands where does your act fit? Such as archers could be wind.  Mermaids and pirates - Water,  fairies - Air, witches and magic - Spirit, and those that perform with fire - Fire. *
Returning Entertainer?
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Other experiences / festivals you've appeared.
Day rate? or will you ask hat for your act?
Do you or your group require accommodations? We can send you recommendations by your choice.
How many ID's Needed for you or your group. Names:: *
Thank you for your response. Submit this form and you will receive a copy of your application in your email.
Please follow the link below to print and mail your contract.
CLICK and 'Print Entertainment Contract' for your act or group.
Return Mail to: Fantasy of the Lakes, PO Box 492, Lindstrom, MN 55045.
Print Your Contract Above
Print Your Contract Above
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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