ISSA Snowmobile Club of the Year Nomination Form
Nominations may be made by individuals, snowmobile organizations or by the nominee. 

Eligibility requirements must include: 
  • Snowmobilers who are deeply committed to organized snowmobiling and are involved in snowmobile organizations that strive to make the sport even more enjoyable in the future. 
  • All nominations must include responses to all topics addressed in this form. 
  • All nominations are to be presented in the format of this form and by the prescribed application date. 
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Email *
Year *
Name of Sponsor *
Name of Sponsor's Address  *
Name of Club *
Club's Address  *
How long has the club been active? *
Does the club have a website? If so, please include link  *
How many members are currently in the club? *
Has membership increased over the past year? *
Describe how the club promotes membership to new people.   
Does the club groom trails? If so, please explain. *
Describe any local regional, state, or national government meeting/legislative activates in which the club has been an active participant. 
Name and explain how the club participated in club and association fund raising events. The fundraising does not have to be restricted to snowmobiling. 
Does the club have any partnerships with other organizations? If so please explain.  *
Describe how the club represents snowmobiling and snowmobilers at club, regional, state, and national activities. 
Describe how the club promotes safe and responsible riding for members and non-members. 
Describe the methods that the club uses to introduce non-snowmobilers to the club.
List any activities the club has done to promote a positive image of snowmobiling.  *
What are the three most important events organized by the club in the last two riding seasons? *
What distinguishes this club from other clubs?  *
What is one special thing we should know about your club?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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