4th Africa Tech Female Founder Summit 2022 Application
TLcom Capital will host the 4th Africa Tech Female Founder Summit physically in Nairobi at the Radisson Blue Hotel in Upperhill on Wednesday between 9am and 5.30pm EAT.

Themed "Dare to Do: The Scale Mindset", this year's event will gather visionary and courageous female tech founders from across Africa to experience the power of connecting, learning and being a resource to each other.

Apply now to attend.
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Email *
Name *
Are you female ? * *
Are you a founder or operator in an African startup? *
Company name *
Company website *
Short company description *
What year was your company founded? *
Country/Countries of operation? *
Would you like your email address to be shared with fellow attendees after the event? (Note: Contact details will be shared for purpose of creating a collaborative community after the event) * *
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