ASPLOS 2024 Student Travel Grant Application Form
Eligible for travel grants are graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdocs.
The form has two sections. US-based students have to fill out both sections.
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Email, please use your university email *
First name
Last name
Name of the university you are currently attending *
Country of your university *
Current academic position *
Role at ASPLOS 2024 *
Please explain why you are applying for a travel grant *
Advisor's name *
Advisor's email *
What is the total amount of support that you are requesting? Specify the approximate US dollar value *
Estimate of your flight cost in US dollars *
Your primary area of research *
Are you a member of any of the following professional organizations? *
Are you a member of any of the following SIG organizations?
Do you require a Visa and what is the Visa application status if one is needed? Please let us know what is the status of applying for a travel visa if one is needed. You can find visa requirements on the ASPLOS website. *
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