Help Lupus Canada track the accessibility of Hydroxychloroquine
Our objective is to understand the current situation and the evolution of Hydroxychloroquine (HcQ) availability in Canada. Please share this survey with everyone you know that currently takes Hydroxychloroquine and ask them to take part! This will help us address the issue of accessibility to HcQ with manufacturers and health authorities.


Media speculations on Hydroxychloroquine (HcQ) as a potential medication in the fight against COVID-19 have created tensions in the supply chain for this drug. This is partly due to "off label" prescription use (i.e. doctors prescribing HcQ for a currently unapproved use, like COVID-19), and wholesaler level exports to more lucrative markets. As a result we have had reports that HcQ has been "out of stock" in many pharmacies.

Lupus Canada has raised the lack of accessibility to HcQ with manufacturers and authorities including the Minister of Health. We have seen measures put in place in several countries, including increased control (or government control) on distribution, restricting "off label" use to hospitals, and establishing alternate channels to make HcQ available directly for pharmacies based on "on label" prescription use.

Our objective is that all lupus patients requiring HcQ have immediate access to the medication.

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Do you take Hydroxychloroquine for lupus?
When did you last seek to purchase Hydroxychloroquine?
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Could you obtain your refill of Hydroxychloroquine from the pharmacy?
Please provide the name/address of the Pharmacy in which you could not receive your medication
How many pharmacies did you try before you obtained some?
Where did you obtain it from?
How may days did it take before it was available to you (in the pharmacy or via your doctor)? Use 0 for same day, 1 for next...
Could you obtain the quantity you requested?
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